Sunday, May 17, 2009

Famine Commemoration Skibbereen

The famine commemoration week in Skibbereen was a wonderful occasion, the week was packed full with speakers, theatre, walks and events to commemorate the great famine of 150yrs ago. 

I gave two presentations, one to kids ages 9-14 from two schools in Skibbereen and another to adults on the Saturday. Both as you can imagine were totally different and required completely different communication skills. I was told first hand and second hand from people that it was excellent so I am delighted. 

The talk to the kids involved open interaction with the audience, animated cartoons and slides with questions and answers to involve the kids in the process. 

The presentation on the Saturday was to a full house. Some dignitaries were there, I noticed Lord David Puttnam and Mr. David Stanton of Unicef and I believe the Ambassador to Malaysia. 

I opened the presentation by mentioning that my great grandfather came from Cappabeg and my great grandmother from Lough Hyne; how thankfully they survived the famine for otherwise I wouldn't be here to give the presentation in the first place.

At the official state commemoration today, Sunday, it was great to have people come up to me to say that they thought the presentation was fantastic and wish me well in the local elections.
 It was also encouraging to have people approach me to say they would be definitely giving me their number one vote.

Nice to hear that especially as I wasn't canvassing, unlike other politicians present on the day, who used the occasion to canvas for votes which in my view was totally inappropriate at a solemn state occasion.

Thats all for now. Big day tomorrow, former Director of UNEP coming to Cork to give two presentations in Cork City and Clonakilty. Early start.

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